Monday, October 03, 2005

Why the Right Wing is So Mad

This is zero sum game for the Right.

It's a one-time-only, lifetime appointment.

This is the whole reason they supported Bush beginning in 1998 and 1999. It's why they gave him money, volunteered, wrote letters, editorials, lied again again, It's why they stole the 2000 election, why the supported Swift Boating, the Iraq war, and the other insane nonsense Bush and Rove pull.

All so they could have this ONE thing. Justice Sunday I and II. This is what it was all about. No second chance. This was it.

And Bush blows it all by nominating a 60 year old woman who was his very efficient secretary.

It's as if Jed Barlett had nominated Mrs. Landingham.

The wing nuts went through too much crap to put up with this now.

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