Thursday, March 15, 2007


President: Captain, United States Navy
Detainee: Khalid Sheikh Muhammad
The Place: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. U.S. Navy Base.
Scene: Military Tribunal

President: "Before we begin, Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, I understand you speak and understand English. Is that correct?"

Detainee: [Detainee nods his head in affirmative]

President: "Alright. Are you comfortable in continuing in English or would you like everything translated in Arabic?"

Detainee: "Everything in English but if I have a problem the linguist will help me."


President: "Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, do you understand this process?"

Detainee: "Yes. If I have question can I ask you?"

President: "Yes, you may."

Detainee: "About the testimony which I ask about the witnesses."

President: "Yes, I'm going to address the witnesses shortly. So, if you bear with us I will take that up in a few moments."

Detainee: "Okay."

President: "Do you have any questions concerning the Tribunal process?"

Detainee: "Okay by me."


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