Friday, February 10, 2006


I’m rarely shocked anymore. But I gotta say, this
blew me away.

I mean, I knew that Bush had even staffed Iraq with
Young Republicans, but this, this is unbelievable.

Recently a number of NASA scientists have gone public
with the fact the Administration has pressured them to
cover up their scientific discoveries with the
Republican version of facts and religion.

late January, James E. Hansen, a famous climate
scientist, and several midlevel public affairs
officers told The New York Times that political
appointees, including one George Deutsch, told Dr.
Hansen's not give any public speeches or interviews on
the threats posed by global warming.

This week it was revealed that in October 2005, George
C. Deutsch, a Bush appointee working a NASA, sent an
order to a NASA contractor working on a set of Web
presentations about Albert Einstein for middle-school
students. The message said the word "theory" needed to
be added after every mention of the Big Bang.

The Big Bang is "not proven fact; it is opinion," Mr.
Deutsch wrote, adding, "It is not NASA's place, nor
should it be to make a declaration such as this about
the existence of the universe that discounts
intelligent design by a creator."

It continued: "This is more than a science issue, it
is a religious issue. And I would hate to think that
young people would only be getting one-half of this
debate from NASA.”

Stunned yet?

There’s more.

Who is George Deutsch?

According to his résumé, Mr. Deutsch received a
"Bachelor of Arts in journalism, Class of 2003."

That’s right. He was an intern on the Bush campaign
and was immediately put in charge of Truthiness
Management at a multi-billion agency. A guy who was
in high school in 1999.

It gets worse.

His high school diploma?

He’d better hang on to it.

He was forced out this week. Why?

“Mr. Deutsch's resignation came on the same day that
officials at Texas A&M University confirmed that he
did not graduate from there, as his résumé on file at
the agency asserted.”

Bush is staffing our federal government agencies with
loyal Christian nuts with high school diplomas.

Seriously, our country can’t survive this stupidity
much longer.

Yesterday, Dr. Hansen said that the questions about
Mr. Deutsch's credentials were important, but were a
distraction from the broader issue of political
control of scientific information.

"He's only a bit player," Dr. Hansen said of Mr.
Deutsch. " The problem is much broader and much deeper
and it goes across agencies. That's what I'm really
concerned about."

"On climate, the public has been misinformed and not
informed," he said. "The foundation of a democracy is
an informed public, which obviously means an honestly
informed public. That's the big issue here."

That’s true. The real scandal is administation that
has no regard for truth whatsoever; just a dedicated
loyalty to extreme, psychotic self-serving agenda.


1 comment:

he who is known as sefton said...

Back in high school, I had to read THE DEVIL AND DANIEL WEBSTER. In a not so subtle way, it was a paean to our American ideal of freedom. Quite frankly, I found the portrayal of the protagonist ... Daniel Webster, I mean ... inspiring.

In his own way, Bruce Bartlett is inspiring through the courage of his convictions to the point of willingness to suffer consequences, such as getting fired. After perusing the contents of your blog, I surmise you concur.

No doubt about it, Bartlett's book IMPOSTOR raises many valid objections to the current Bush administration. Let's face it ... Bartlett has more than merely good cause for doing so.

For my part, I dearly wish Bartlett would turn his gimlet eye towards the Supreme Court of the United States. That decision on eminent domains, from the standpoint of American conservatism, is appalling.

It involves far more than just kicking old ladies out of their homes for the expansion of some casino's parking lot. Anyway, you're invited to read my layman's analysis, which can be brought up clicking on the hyperlink, just below my nom de plume.

Chances are, if you read the hyperlink's text, you'll be startled. If you're a conservative, who regards "free enterprise" as the sine qua non for the nation's economy, you might want to keep in mind this bon mot by Bertolt Brecht ... "if you have tears, prepare to shed them now".

.he who is known as sefton